Store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven
where moth and rust cannot destroy and thieves cannot break in and steal

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Irresponsible Christopher Hitchens

Jesus said, “Take no thought for tomorrow.”

Oh my how Chris hates that command. The outrage, the OUTRAGE I tell you that Chris feels when he reads that verse fairly makes him froth at the mouth. Now if he’d voiced his dismay over what Jesus said just yesterday or any time after he’d been diagnosed with throat cancer, we could assume that Christopher was angry at Jesus for not making him stop smoking thirty years ago. But no. Chris has been ranting about this line of Jesus for years. To trust your Creator is irresponsible, don’t you know? Chris tells us that in order to be responsible citizens we must think and brood and worry and plan and scheme about our tomorrow. Why, that’s the atheist way.

Let me ask you a question. Who said this? “God helps those who help themselves.”
a) Cain - as he was gathering the fruit for his sacrifice?
b) Moses - just before he killed the Egyptian?
c) Joseph - just after he’d been sold into slavery?
d) David - just before he killed Goliath?
e) Paul - as he shook the snake off his arm?
f) Judas - as he stole money that was meant for the temple treasury?
The answer later.

Since becoming a Christian, the reality of my own life has been:
The less I try to succeed, the more successful God has made me
The less I plan, the more God’s plans for me have been brought to completion
The more I lean on God, the stronger I become
The weaker I am the more that God’s strength is made present in me
The more that I’ve put Jesus first in my life, the more that “all these things have been given to me as well.” Matthew 6:33

Every once in awhile you hear some talking head advise listeners that the key to success is to have goals. “You gotta have goals,” they tell you. Five year plans. Ten year plans. Plans for college. Plans for retirement. Balderdash! The only goal a person needs is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Determine to follow your Creator where ever He leads and your life will turn out just fine. Obey God and enjoy Him forever. That’s the key to success.

As for the question above? Who said it? I don’t know who said it. It isn’t in the Bible; that’s for sure. In point of fact it absolutely goes against what the Bible teaches. A line that is much more theologically sound would be something like, “God helps those who admit they are helpless.” cf. Romans 8:26.

Chris Hitchens, the drunken fool that he is, first rules out the fact that Jesus is God, that Jesus has the power to care for His followers and that Jesus DOES care for His followers, and then, in all his atheist brilliance (he’s a Bright you know) Chris says that people are irresponsible if they don’t live life as he lives life.

First of all Chris, Jesus wasn’t talking to you. Jesus has nothing to say to you or to other atheists. When Jesus said, “Take no thought for tomorrow,” He was talking to those who would follow Him and only to those who follow Him.

“Do not be anxious about ANYTHING. But in everything, by prayer and petition, present your requests to God and if you do this, the peace of God which is beyond human understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

“Cast all your anxieties on Him for He cares about.”

As a follower of Jesus, this is how I can live. The Creator of the Universe always has and always will take care of me.

You on the other hand, Chris, do need to take care of yourself. You do need to worry and scheme and plan for tomorrow. You do need to drown your worries with copious amounts of alcohol. You do need to run after the things of the world in the hope that they will somehow reflect back to you a sense of value and worth and respect.

Be responsible Chris Hitchens. Worry. Plan. Scheme. It’s the atheist way.

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