Store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven
where moth and rust cannot destroy and thieves cannot break in and steal

Friday, November 2, 2012

Travelling With The Intelligent

While all atheists are spirituality dull of mind and slow of thought, not all atheists lack intelligence. It only seems that way. However -
When an intelligent person wilfully abandons reason and begins to posit finite infinities, causeless beginnings and beginningless beginnings, I know that I’m dealing with someone involved in a desperate attempt to avoid a philosophically unacceptable conclusion:
Creator God exists.

When an intelligent person wilfully abandons classical historical scholarship and begins to deny known and knowable facts of history, but only as they apply to the person of Jesus, I know that I’m dealing with someone who is confronted with a philosophically unacceptable conclusion:
Creator God exists.

When an intelligent person claims to follow whatever ethical standard is currently in vogue and calls that a reasonable way to live, I know that I’m dealing with someone involved in a desperate, fearful attempt to avoid a philosophically unacceptable conclusion:
Creator God exists.

When someone ignores Occam’s Razor and goes in search of ever more complicated solutions, (eg. Atheist Origin of the Universe Mythologies) abandoning one after another, after another, after another, not because of new evidence but because of a need to avoid the conclusion indicated by current evidence, and when that person never returns to a simple solution that coincides with current knowledge and common sense, I know that I’ve encountered an individual who has been confronted with a philosophically unacceptable conclusion:
Creator God exists.
Richard Lewontin, “Our [atheist scientists] willingness to accept scientific claims that are against common sense is the key to an understanding of the real struggle between science and the supernatural. We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfil many of its extravagant promises, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories, because we have a prior commitment to materialism. It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal word but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter intuitive, no matter how mystifying. Moreover that materialism is absolute for we cannot allow a divine foot in the door.”- “Billions and Billion of Demons,” The New York Review of Books, Jan. 9, 1997, 31.


  1. While all atheists are spirituality dull of mind and slow of thought, not all atheists lack intelligence. It only seems that way.

    How can you state such a lie without remorse? Or is piety for you a license to lie, a way to work around the commandment that instructs you not to do this because, after all, you're insulting all atheists so what does it matter?

    It matters because its a reflection of your lack of moral character. This is an observation and not intended to be a criticism. After all, the truly devout tend to have difficulty separating fact from fiction. Perhaps this explains your cognitive break from the morality you profess to possess.

  2. Well, you've given a very good example of spiritually dull of mind and slow of thought in your comment on the quote above this post.

    I'm not insulting or criticizing. I'm stating a fact.

    You simply don't / can't understand what it means to have an intimate, healed and forgiven relationship with Jesus. In fact you don't / can't even comprehend His existence.

    "you lack of moral character"

    Darling, a recognition of "our" lack of moral character, mine included, is why people become Christians. We turn to Jesus for forgiveness because we been given awareness of our true spiritual condition. To say that our moral character is flawed is an understatement. We recognize that the verse "The heart is desperately wicked" is talking about each and every one of us. And THAT is what atheists are lacking. Because they are spiritually dull of mind and slow of thought, atheists actually believe they're good people.

    Because they are spiritually dull of mind and slow of thought, atheists can't / won't recognize evidence for the existence of Creator God regardless of what form it takes.

  3. I'm not insulting or criticizing. I'm stating a fact.

    Correct; just like it’s not an insult nor criticizing when I tell you that you are an irrational person who does not care about whether his belief are true or not. You are led by emotions and believe in things because they feel right. You are also a bigot who write about certain actions you find wrong and attribute them to a group a people you despise when a member of that group perform such actions.

  4. I care very much about whether my beliefs are true or not. And I disagree that I make decisions based upon emotion - although we may have differing definitions regarding the word, emotions.

    Do my conclusions "feel" right? Yes. I think you and I and everyone else make a lot of decisions based upon intuition, experience, even the wisdom and experience of other people. Where possible I make decisions based upon the scientific method. But I'm not so foolish or fanatical as to believe that the scientific method is the only method or even the only correct method of ascertaining the truth of an event.

    tidbit refuses to display any knowledge of anything BUT the scientific method and he would like to think all his decisions are scientifically based. That's not a bad goal - when used correctly. It's just not realistic in all circumstances and for that reason he's lying to himself.

    Yes, yes, you and tidbit are correct. I'm a bigot and a hypocrite and deeply morally flawed. Not sure why you keep bringing it up but if it pleases you I'll keep admitting to the truth of those accusations.

    I despise atheism. I think it is an absurd, illogical, incoherent belief that is going to lead millions to their eternal doom. And I will continue to highlight those absurdities for the foreseeable future. I've said many, many times that atheists, as individuals are as good as and sometimes better individuals than many other people on the planet. Any given atheist may be a "better person" than any given Christian.

    But the decision that Creator God does not exist the the cognitive and behavioural consequences of that decision / belief are tragic for all involved and for those who follow along or who are drawn in because atheism is currently in vogue.

  5. I despise atheism. I think it is an absurd, illogical, incoherent belief that is going to lead millions to their eternal doom.

    This is simply irrational.

    Let me spell it out in case there's any vestige of reason left in your addled brain: atheism means non belief in gods or a god.

    That's it.

    That's all.

    Everything else you attribute to atheism - the same atheism you have towards all other religious beliefs save one - comes only from you and your imagination. And it's not rational.

    Let's look at what you've written: you despise non belief because it's belief.

    Savor that irrationality.

    In the same way that a non car because is another kind of car and a non stamp collector is another kind of stamp collector, so too is atheism another kind of belief.

    But you stop here with your irrationality; you now attribute all kinds of stuff to this non whatever. This compounds irrationality into a sociopathic delusion. You actually believe your delusion exists AND it is an enemy!

    Wow. That's some kind of mental illness you got going here.

    If a non woman is another kind of women and this line of reasoning actually makes sense to you, you are not rational.

    This irrationality seems to be a common denominator of your rants and diatribe against the attributions you impose on non believers. This practice is equivalent in all ways to just making shit up and piling it on real people to fuel your anger, resentment, and fear of others who do not believe all the gods that you don't believe in either... with but a single exception. That's not respecting what's true, Thesauros, but it's opposite.

    This is what you do: lie and imagine all kinds of negative traits and practices of others... because you refuse to see what's evident: Not-X is not another kind of X. Not-X is, in fact, the OPPOSITE of X. And this a true statement.

    But you do not respect it. You do not respect what's true BECAUSE you need to lie, you need to fool yourself, you need to make others less than yourself in order to feel superior. You have a problem. And until you realize you have a problem, we cannot play as equals on the field of rational exchanges. You are not rational. And you are willing to malign the character of others to maintain the fiction, the lie, you call the truth. But it clearly isn't, and you don;t care.

    I cannot respect anyone who doesn't care about what's true.

    We have nothing more to talk about except your irrationality, which you clearly demonstrate here, and your desire to hate... neither of which I care to waste any more of my time on.

    If not for your sake then for your god's sake, get some professional help before you hurt somebody.

  6. "But you 'DON'T' stop here" is what the sentence should be.
