of the sad facts of Christian life is that we can “feel” close to
God and at the same time harbour in our lives the most horrendous
sin. While that is sad, it should not surprise. Sin's deceitful
nature blinds us to its existence in our lives.
It's no different for atheists who honestly believe they are good people. Witness Lance Armstrong who finally came to realize that "I'm a deeply flawed bully."
So what's to be done?
How are we to become aware of that which is hidden? And if it isn't
hidden, if we've had a glimpse of what we're like, how can the
presence of sin become so real to us that we can no longer deny its place in our lives? Well, the answer entails one of the things
that atheists say is evidence that God Himself does not exist –
pain, suffering, loss and so on. We've all heard it. “How can a
loving God allow pointless suffering?”
believe with all my heart that:
we are followers of Jesus,
we want to become like Jesus
God's goal for us is to become like Jesus (Rom. 8:29),
every single difficulty (which is often the consequence of sin) that
God allows into our lives is meant to raise to the surface in us
those characteristics that are in greatest need of change. Again, the Armstrong case.
Most of us spend so much time trying to stop the discomfort that
problems generate in our lives that we completely miss the learning
that God is trying to instill into our hearts in the midst of our
problems. If this learning is missed, if this change is missed, the
eternal value of this whole process will be minimal.
For those who are on their way to hell, suffering, loss and pain
really are pointless things that randomly happen in life.
For the rest of us, if God wants to change our character, and He
does, then He will present us with exactly those challenges that at
the very least give us the opportunity to grow into the character or
believe that no matter how long we've been disciples of Jesus, every
single one of us is in desperate need of learning more mercy, more
forgiveness and becoming more loving toward those who have offended
to atheists and their hyper allergic reaction to suffering. One of
Jesus' disciples, Peter, writes about suffering, “To this you were
called because Jesus suffered for you, leaving you an example that
you should follow in His steps. When they hurled their insults at
Him, He did not retaliate; when He suffered He made no threats.
Instead, He entrusted Himself to Him who judges justly. So do not
repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing because
to this your were called.” 1st Peter 2: 20-23,3:9.
from the book that atheists say can be used to justify violence
toward others.
Our suffering is not an accident. Using the suffering that humans
invited into the world for our growth and development is part of
God's plan for us.
Jesus didn't retaliate when insulted. We are to follow His example.
Jesus didn't fight back when He suffered. God will make things right
in the end.
On atheism there is no ultimate justice.
On Christianity
ultimate justice is guaranteed.
Jesus set the example we're to follow. If we love Jesus we will obey
uses difficult people and events to raise to our awareness our fears
and insecurities, our irritability / anger / rage and bitterness, our
dependencies / addictions, our selfishness, corrupt self-love and
unwillingness to forgive.
are the things that God wants to remove from your life! And when He
does remove this crud, what's left is the ability to love others as
He loves us.
run from your pain. Don't try to destroy those who cause you pain.
Instead, grab hold of Jesus' hand and with your eyes wide open and
your chest bared to the blast of life's pain, step into your pain
with the knowledge that in all things God will, if you allow Him,
transform your character into that of Jesus the Christ.
and for what it's worth. The only way that suffering can be pointless
is if God does not exist.