Store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven
where moth and rust cannot destroy and thieves cannot break in and steal

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Atheism + = Christianity?

The religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27
There's your difference!
The leaders of A+, while looking to do good in the world (and that is a good thing), are looking to do the most good for their own cause, their own fight. They're encouraging people to get on board to fight for their own agenda (things that affect women and any and all perversions of our sexuality).
Jesus' brother James passed on to us, as did ALL the other New Testament writers Jesus' teaching that our good works are to be “other focused.”
Christianity, when stripped down to the basics means to feed, clothe and treat the fatherless as members of one's own family.”
Hence along with the advent of Christianity came hospitals, shelters; places of safety, comfort and justice; things that had never occurred to the pagans and secular members of society up to that time. As one leader and enemy of Christianity of the time observed,
These Christians don't just take care of their own sick. They take care of our sick!”
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female, for in our relationship with Jesus we are all one and the same,” (Galatians 3:28).
Nobody before Jesus attempted to promote such a concept. What's more, in complete contrast to Greek and Roman societies, Jesus inspired His followers (who now formed “the Church”) to “take care of widows.” In those days, if a woman did not have a husband or sons to take care of her, she did not have any means of support. 
In the Greek and Roman societies of the time it was very unlikely that men would be punished for even killing their wives. In complete contrast Christian men were taught to be ready to die for their wives, to be faithful to their wives, and in fact to model submission for their wives. Did you hear that last one? Unlike any other teacher before Him or since, Jesus told men then as He tells us today, that as the head of the home, as the leader, the teacher, rather than demand from our families the following, we men are to model for our families submission, forgiveness, patience, mercy and kindness and to remain with our wives for life, ensuring and providing for them tender loving care – not because they are somehow less-than, but because this is what it looks like to “Love one another as I have loved you.”

This is servant leadership.

And when it comes to enemies? Well, Jesus says love your enemy, do good to your enemy, pray for your enemy.
As progressive as they deem themselves to be, writers for Atheism+ have been ranting to exclude their enemies, and to call anyone who disagrees with them vile and disgusting names. Actually that's what atheists on both sides of the issue have been practicing. 

Don't you know? They don't need God in order to be nice people. 

As a side note, have you noticed how atheists almost always use the body parts of women in a disparaging manner to do character harm to their enemies? “Cunt,” “Twat,” “Boob,” and such epithets make a regular appearance during atheist rants. Interesting.
Nevertheless it's nice to know that finally, in the 21st century, atheists (make that some atheists, because most are fighting tooth and nail against being told to be nice) are discovering that being a good person is important even if it's just to your in-group or even if it's just to the current trendy cause.
Better late than never.
Go A+! Rah, Rah, Rah.

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