Store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven
where moth and rust cannot destroy and thieves cannot break in and steal

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

 “Only upon the firm foundation of unyielding despair can the souls' habitation be henceforth safely built.”
atheist Bertrand Russell

Atheists Save the World

Have you ever wondered about the tsunami like tide of evil that is sweeping the Globe? Are you staggered by evil's power to shred society, collapsing nations? Not a Newscast goes by without the mention of corruption. And do you notice how no race, gender or age group is exempt from the power and influence of evil? It ruins families. It destroys homes. And most of all, it causes humans to do all they can to ignore it, despite the way evil corrodes the quality of everyone's life.
On the other hand, those who refuse to call evil for what it is, have grand plans for healing society's ills. Space does not allow a full discourse of the “cures” that have so far been explored by secularists but there are a few that are worth noting. Another of the more infamous secular efforts might include:
- Science
- We were told that the combination of wide-spread, higher education and stupendous wealth
- Then it was sex without the perceived confinement of marriage.
- The coerced celebration of the sexually disoriented.
- Or how about easy divorce?

I almost overlooked feminism in the list of secular cures for what ails us. Now feminism in and of itself is fine. It's needed. Ever since sin brought the consequence of “Men will rule over you,” (Genesis 3:16) women truly have had the short end of the stick, at least by worldly standards. So what have women decided to do to resolve the issue? Of course – reject who you are as a woman and try to become like a man. So women began to smoke like men, ingest alcohol and other drugs like men, work like men, ignore their children like men, screw around like men, get heart disease like men, transmit STD's like men, behave in ways that lead to divorce like men, suicide like men, strive for useless status symbols like men – need I go on? Oh Lord, sin makes us soooo stupid. And the winners in all this?

Men who no longer have to feign an interest in commitment. Men, who can keep women as much, or more vulnerable to exploitation than ever before.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What's It Gonna Be?

Jesus is coming again, bearing the wounds of His crucifixion in His hands, feet and side.

To those who have accept His offer of forgiveness, these wounds will bear witness to what He has done for us.

To those who have rejected His offer of forgiveness, these wounds will say, “Here is what you did to Me.”

Atheists Save the World

Have you ever wondered about the tsunami like tide of evil that is sweeping the Globe? Are you staggered by evil's power to shred society, collapsing nations? Not a Newscast goes by without the mention of corruption. And do you notice how no race, gender or age group is exempt from the power and influence of evil? It ruins families. It destroys homes. And most of all, it causes humans to do all they can to ignore it, despite the way evil corrodes the quality of everyone's life.
On the other hand, those who refuse to call evil for what it is, have grand plans for healing society's ills. Space does not allow a full discourse of the “cures” that have so far been explored by secularists but there are a few that are worth noting. Another of the more infamous secular efforts might include:
- Science
- We were told that the combination of wide-spread, higher education and stupendous wealth
- Then it was sex without the perceived confinement of marriage.
- The coerced celebration of the sexually disoriented.
Or how about easy divorce? That too hasn’t been the miracle cure that the worldly wise and famous promised that it would be. There has however been one benefit of mass divorce. The benefit has been to show the hypocrisy in our claims that we love our children. We love ourselves, PERIOD! Let the kids fend for themselves.
As I write this, atheists are filling their blogs with the wonderful news that a survey has shown that if you are an atheist, you probably engage in casual sexual intercourse with almost no guilt compared to Christians to engage in the same type of sexual immorality. Sweet! (sarcasm). Most Christians have already lived the type of life that atheists are touting. We know what they're promoting. What we've found is that the guidelines that Christianity gives regarding our sexual lives specifically, and relationships generally, can on the surface seem constricting. However, nothing comes as close to being restricting and smothering as ignoring those guidelines and then experiencing broken relationships, abortions or spending decades with children that you can't or don't want to raise. Nothing brings heartache like ignoring Jesus' teaching on our sexual selves. The freedom that comes with the atheist's view of utopia is like being in the middle of the ocean with no direction finding equipment of any kind. You are free to go in any direction you please, but you have absolutely no way of knowing how to find safe harbour. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

What Does a Relationship With Jesus Get You?
That's what an atheist asked. According to this person, I'm no better off than anyone else in the world, including him. (((wry smile))) I beg to differ.

Because of my relationship with Jesus, I have the freedom to do something valuable until my dying breath, freedom to not only accept, but to enjoy my weaknesses, and I have the freedom to give away my time, my money and my self.
Besides all that my relationship with Jesus has given me the freedom to counter my culture, and the freedom to find contentment in every single situation. This contentment comes from knowing beyond any doubt that, "He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?" "My God will supply ALL my needs."

To be continued . . .

Atheists Save the World

Have you ever wondered about the tsunami like tide of evil that is sweeping the Globe? Are you staggered by evil's power to shred society, collapsing nations? Not a Newscast goes by without the mention of corruption. And do you notice how no race, gender or age group is exempt from the power and influence of evil? It ruins families. It destroys homes. And most of all, it causes humans to do all they can to ignore it, despite the way evil corrodes the quality of everyone's life.
On the other hand, those who refuse to call evil for what it is, have grand plans for healing society's ills. Space does not allow a full discourse of the “cures” that have so far been explored by secularists but there are a few that are worth noting. 
Another of the more infamous secular efforts might include:
- Science
- We were told that the combination of wide-spread, higher education and stupendous wealth
- Then it was sex without the perceived confinement of marriage.
Atheists describe Christianity as being “out of touch with modern society.” I can't argue with that. I remember wondering about our children's future to a friend who said, “Don't worry. They'll be normal.” and my thought was, “I pray to God that they'll do a lot better than that.” Around the world, two main consequences have come with being in touch with modern society and the coerced celebration of the sexually disoriented.
The first consequence is an outright delusion regarding the epidemic of STD’s including HIV. One educated but misled columnist wrote that it’s not screwing around with strangers, or taking part in the death culture of IV drug use that’s spreading AIDS, it’s "ignorance and poverty." That comment is an insult to the informationally and financially impoverished!
The second consequence is that everyone, even those who are opposed to it, are forced to financially support the extermination of the most defenceless people in our society, all in an attempt to hide the guilt, fear and corrupt self-love of the more powerful segment. Don’t get me wrong. I’m strongly pro-choice. Dear God how I wish that people would exercise, not their right, but their obligation to choose whether or not to have a child. But that choice needs to be made before conception, not after. Sadlyl, being responsible would kill the romance of the affair, or the drunken sexual encounter, so we kill the children instead.
Someone wrote today that all people should support a woman's right to decide what to do with her body. I agree. What a woman doesn't have a right to do is hire a hit-man to tear to shreds the body of the baby, or to suck out the brain of the baby that is growing within her; a baby with her own blood-type, her own brain waves, her own finger prints, her own digestive system, her own heart beat and her own genetic code. The baby is NOT the mother's body!

Friday, July 26, 2013

What Does a Relationship With Jesus Get You?
That's what an atheist asked. According to this person, I'm no better off than anyone else in the world, including him. (((wry smile))) I beg to differ.

Because of my relationship with Jesus, I have freedom to inherit all of God’s riches, freedom to understand the Gospel message, freedom to know that I’m a disciple that Jesus loves. Great God of wonders, I proclaim your majesty! I exalt your deity! Your eyes are upon the righteous. Your ears are open to their cry. You are near to those whose hearts are breaking. You save those who have a contrite spirit. You are perfect in power, in love, and in purity. May You alone be exalted!

Besides all that, my relationship with Jesus gives me freedom to have total assurance in God’s promises for forgiveness, for strength and for eternity. Is faith in this God, as the world sees it, a crutch? Yes, and more than that. Jesus is my stretcher, my chariot, my sole support in each and every circumstance. After all, to what would we look to for help if not to that which is stronger than ourselves? Jesus has tested me and I now know that in every scene of life - in joy and sorrow, in success and failure, in health and in sickness, in moments of crisis when all lesser gods give way, I have trusted Jesus and have found that He is able to carry both me and my burden and bring me safely to the other side. With Paul and with believers of all ages I can say: "I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him until the Day when He returns." I and all other Christians have the Divine assurance of comfort in sorrow, strength in sickness, solace in bereavement, help in distress, and ultimate triumph in the midst of dire calamity. And this assurance is signed and sealed in the blood of the Son of God Himself. The world has known no higher guarantee.

To be continued . . .

Atheists Save the World

Have you ever wondered about the tsunami like tide of evil that is sweeping the Globe? Are you staggered by evil's power to shred society, collapsing nations? Not a Newscast goes by without the mention of corruption. And do you notice how no race, gender or age group is exempt from the power and influence of evil? It ruins families. It destroys homes. And most of all, it causes humans to do all they can to ignore it, despite the way evil corrodes the quality of everyone's life.
On the other hand, those who refuse to call evil for what it is, have grand plans for healing society's ills. Space does not allow a full discourse of the “cures” that have so far been explored by secularists but there are a few that are worth noting. Another of the more infamous secular efforts might include:
- Science
- We were told that the combination of wide-spread, higher education and stupendous wealth would cure our ills

Then it was sex without the perceived confinement of marriage. Remember the freedom that was promised with that lie? For awhile, thankfully a short while, open marriages were touted to be the cure-all for – ya – struggling marriages. Only the perpetually gullible saw bliss on the other side of that disaster. In the Netherlands where atheists have had a head start over North America in shaping societal norms, they’re finding that open and legalized prostitution has actually led to the degrading of attitudes toward women. Who would have thought that might happen? (sarcasm) Certainly not atheists. They’re also finding that rather than eliminating organized crime from the sex trade, organized crime has actually increased since the legalization of men buying women’s bodies. Who would have guessed? Not atheists. By removing the taboo against drug addiction, legalizing drug use has increased crimes usually associated with drug use and drug addiction. Could anyone have seen that coming? Not atheists. In the Netherlands where atheists have had a head start over North America in shaping societal norms, euthanasia groups (Levenseinde or “Life End”) are now making house calls. Door to door killing teams free of charge (Sigh). Really, when you think about it, when health and wealth are gone – what's the point?(again sarcasm). 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

What Does a Relationship With Jesus Get You?
That's what an atheist asked. According to this person, I'm no better off than anyone else in the world, including him. (((wry smile))) I beg to differ.

Because of my relationship with Jesus, I have freedom from the need to achieve, freedom to look forward to tomorrow, freedom from God’s wrath, freedom from putting me first, freedom from the need for position, freedom from the feeling of alienation, freedom to be bathed in the soothing warmth of God’s enormous Love, freedom from dependence on false gods, freedom to have patience in the midst of suffering, and I have the freedom to become more than a conqueror.

Besides all that, I have the freedom to know Who to thank when I’m grateful, for every good and perfect gift is from God. He is the righteous One. I celebrate His glory. I acknowledge His sovereignty. I rejoice and sing the wonders of His grace. How great is my Lord and my Saviour!

To be continued . . .

Atheists Save the World

Have you ever wondered about the tsunami like tide of evil that is sweeping the Globe? Are you staggered by evil's power to shred society, collapsing nations? Not a Newscast goes by without the mention of corruption. And do you notice how no race, gender or age group is exempt from the power and influence of evil? It ruins families. It destroys homes. And most of all, it causes humans to do all they can to ignore it, despite the way evil corrodes the quality of everyone's life.

On the other hand, those who refuse to call evil for what it is, have grand plans for healing society's ills. Space does not allow a full discourse of the “cures” that have so far been explored by secularists but there are a few that are worth noting. I've already mentioned the worship of science. Another of the more infamous secular efforts might include:

- We were told that the combination of wide-spread, higher education and stupendous wealth would bring us emotional health and relational well-being. 
Skyrocketing depression and rampant anxiety among the educated and wealthy have proven the lie in that claim as well. The most recent study I've seen (spring 2012) shows that the higher one's education and wealth, the deeper the person's level of dishonesty and lack of compassion for others. As well, the higher one's education and wealth, the greater the use of mood altering chemicals. 
Pagans and atheists are surprised by that. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

What Does a Relationship With Jesus Get You?
That's what an atheist asked. According to this person, I'm no better off than anyone else in the world, including him. (((wry smile))) I beg to differ.

Because of my relationship with Jesus, I have freedom from condemnation, freedom to have mercy lavished upon me, freedom from fake and shallow friendships, freedom to NOT say, "Lord, come into my life and change my pain," but, "Lord, come into my pain and change me." I have freedom to suffer with and for Jesus, and freedom to forgive.

Besides all that, I have freedom from judgment. He has blotted out my wrongs. He has cleansed me from sin. He is only interested in my broken and contrite heart and today I can praise God because Calvary covers all my sins, past, present, and future. How amazing! How incredible! How wonderful!

To be continued . . .
Atheists Save the World
Have you ever wondered about the tsunami like tide of evil that is sweeping the Globe? Are you staggered by evil's power to shred society, collapsing nations? Not a Newscast goes by without the mention of corruption. Do you notice how no race, gender or age group is exempt from the power and influence of evil? It ruins families. It destroys homes. And most of all, it causes humans to do all they can to ignore it, despite the way evil corrodes the quality of everyone's life.

On the other hand, those who refuse to call evil for what it is, have grand plans for healing society's ills. Space does not allow a full discourse of the “cures” that have so far been explored by secularists but there are a few that are worth noting. Some of the more infamous secular efforts might include:

- "Only the advance of science can bring us happiness and peace!" It’s been so long since that lie was first promoted that most people don’t even remember the original sermon. However, the belief still influences our thinking. For example, we have enough resources to supply food, clothing and shelter for everyone in the whole world, but we’d rather spend trillions to finance missions to Mars and beyond to look for evidence that life spontaneously came from non life. And while we’re doing that, just in North America we’ll spend 22 billion a year renting videos and DVD’s, 95 billion on Lawn and garden supplies, 389 billion on Restaurant meals, 24 billion on salty snacks, 16 billion on chocolate, 5 billion a year on anti-aging creams, 10 billion on mother’s day flowers and gifts, 30 billion on pornography, 50 billion a year on lotteries and another 50 billion on illegal gambling. Perhaps our problems lie a bit deeper than what advances in science can address.
to be continued . . .

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Oh Crap!

I remember the good ol days when the only thing on the News was Zimmerman's hunting trip.
Now this baby comes along.

I think I remember a time when I vowed to stop watching the News. 
Hmm . . .

Ironic, isn’t it?

We have means of inferring the existence of a supernatural world only when it interferes with us. This is often the case with suffering and tragedy. 
As C. S. Lewis once said, God shouts to us through the megaphone of pain.
Ironic, isn’t it?
The very thing that Jesus uses to increase the faith of the faithful, He also uses to eliminate any potential faith of the faithless. 

Monday, July 22, 2013

What Does a Relationship With Jesus Get You?
That's what an atheist asked. According to this person, I'm no better off than anyone else in the world, including him. (((wry smile))) I beg to differ.

Because of my relationship with Jesus, I have freedom from making huge life-decision mistakes, freedom to have a good marriage, freedom from confusion and second guessing, freedom from pride, freedom to give justice, but not to seek it, and I have the freedom to understand that all the good that happens in my life is like a stream that is leading me directly back to the Source. 

Besides all that, I have freedom to be a brand new creation. His power has displaced hate with love, sorrow with joy, relational war with peace. His power took this man who was morally rotten and transformed me into a trophy of grace.  

To be continued . . .

Jesus the Jerk

According to some people, and their interpretation of the Bible, Jesus is a lying, manipulative, conniving, deceitful fraud. 
They must mean this because they say that Jesus was not who He claimed to be, what He said about life and death was not true, and that generally, if He existed at all, Jesus was just a guy like you and I.

Jesus makes a diagnosis of the personality of people who think like that.

Titus 1:15 - To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted.

2nd Samuel 22:27 - To the pure you show yourself pure, but to the crooked you come across as shrewd and deceiving.

Matthew 12:34 - “How can you who are evil say anything good. For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. The evil predilection brings evil out of the evil that is stored up in him. But I tell you that you will have to give account on the day of Judgement for every careless word you have spoken. Words can be your salvation, or words can also be your damnation.” 

Friday, July 19, 2013

What Does a Relationship With Jesus Get You?
That's what an atheist asked. According to this person, I'm no better off than anyone else in the world, including him. (((wry smile))) I beg to differ.

Because of my relationship with Jesus, I have freedom to know what it’s like to have enough no matter the circumstance, freedom to find pure rest for my soul, freedom to know with certainty that because of my faith, every morning I can put on the breast-plate of God’s approval and to know that God will never leave me or give up on me.

Besides all that, I have freedom to have God either lighten my burden to match my strength, or increase my strength to match the burden. And without fail I have received His strength: strength to stand in the midst of the storm, strength to outlast the bombardment of pain, strength to bear the burden of the cross, strength to resist the onslaught of sin - or having fallen, to tread the path of the prodigal back to the Father’s house and to be assured of full and free forgiveness. These victories are by no means mine. Left to myself, to my own puny powers of resistance or endurance, I will fall short every single time. "Not that I am sufficient in myself, but my sufficiency is of God."

To be continued . . .

See You On The Flip Side

Have you ever heard an atheist claim that Christianity was invented by people who want to escape the harsh reality of life's end? 
Atheists think that makes sense. 
Well, about as much sense as saying that atheists have made up their world-view because they want to escape the reality of judgement, which for them will include an eternity spent in the utter absence of God.
At least Christians have physical, scientific evidence supporting their world-view; something atheists will never have.

Regardless, Christians have never been promised, nor do we expect to be spared from the harsh realities of life. Jesus showed by example that we can experience a full and abundant life even as we step right into the midst of suffering, pain and loss. 
What we have been promised and what we do receive is God's presence with us in and through suffering, pain and loss. Therefore we sedulously keep our eyes on the prize and enjoy the fact that we can lie down and sleep in peace, because God alone provides for our safety. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

What Does a Relationship With Jesus Get You?
That's what an atheist asked. According to this person, I'm no better off than anyone else in the world, including him. (((wry smile))) I beg to differ.

Because of my relationship with Jesus, I have freedom to know the difference between life-giving and life-destroying behaviours, freedom from insecurity, freedom to not feel constrained by the rules of our society, freedom to have a life of meaning and context and purpose, freedom to know the difference between right and wrong, freedom to rejoice in being alive, freedom from the trap of bigotry, freedom from greed, freedom from envy and freedom to come to God with boldness and confidence because I’m shielded by His mercy and grace.

Besides all that, I have been given the freedom to know, to really know the person of Truth. He has revealed to me truth about God, truth about man, truth about life, truth about death, truth about myself, truth about heaven and the truth about hell. 

To be continued . . .

I Love Your Spirit

I was standing in the shower this morning, brooding about a dilatory trait that I've noticed in one of my children. Just as I was starting to hit my stride, Jesus' Spirit hit me upside the head with the realization. That was me! I presented the very same characteristic. What's more, I've been like that for decades. 
My son probably learned it from me!
What a humbling experience. To recognize my spiritual blindness was and is deeply disturbing. 
On the other hand, it is so very uplifting to know that my Lord and Saviour loves me enough to never let up on changing me, transforming and conforming me to the likeness of Jesus.
Thank you Jesus.

I love Your Spirit. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What Does a Relationship With Jesus Get You?
That's what an atheist asked. According to this person, I'm no better off than anyone else in the world, including him. (((wry smile))) I beg to differ.
Because of my relationship with Jesus, I have freedom to admit that I need to change, freedom to revel in the new song of righteousness, freedom from the need for power, freedom from spiritual darkness, freedom to first identify and then to have healthy, kind, generous, and loving friends. I have freedom from shame, freedom from having to be ‘right,’ and the freedom to trade the lessor and unstable god of self-esteem, for the glorious and solid provision of Christ-esteem. 

Besides all that, I have genuine happiness. Not happiness as the world understands it, based on one pleasure inducing event after another. No, I have the real deal, because there is only one place where we find real happiness, and that is down at the feet of the crucified Saviour, because only there can we be freed from our sins. 
To be continued . . .

A Joy That Never Ends

The Bible speaks of a peace that is beyond the human ability to understand. It comes from Jesus guarding our hearts and our minds like a military sentry. He provides emotional and spiritual protection.
As Isaiah said, “They will live in perfect peace, those whose faith is in the Lord.”
Christians can experience the fleeting pleasures that are available to all human beings. Fortunately we do not need to arrange a line-up of these events to make sure our gratification never ends.

When we learn to identify the presence of Jesus in every situation, we begin to see that His Spirit gives to us an enduring sense of pleasure and joy throughout our lives, day in and day out.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What Does a Relationship With Jesus Get You?
That's what an atheist asked. According to this person, I'm no better off than anyone else in the world, including him. (((wry smile))) I beg to differ.

Because of my relationship with Jesus, I have freedom from my past, freedom from anger, freedom from seeking self-worth in possessions, freedom from the need for popularity, and freedom to love and to be loved without reservation or self-protection.

Besides all that, I have freedom to experience new mercies from God every single day. They are countless, constant, and sure. They greet me in the morning and gladden my heart at noon. They follow me into the shades of night. Because of God’s mercies, there is never a sorrow that I experience that Jesus does not come into with His presence, power and comfort. Neither is there a burden that He doesn’t bear. Jesus’ mercies shall follow me all the days of my life; they endure forever and ever.

To be continued . . .

Is it Important?

I can't imagine living without a coherent view of the universe, how it exists, how it came into existence. What we believe about any one thing has fallout or implications regarding what we believe in other areas of our lives.
The truth or error of what we believe is important. This is especially true regarding nature. Author Philip Larkin has written, “The trees are coming into leaf, like something almost being said.”
What is being said is, “Here I Am,” signed God.
To look for the cause of the universe is to look for Jesus, by whom all things were created. A wondrous reality in which we live, is that when we are exploring moral good, or the laws of logic, or the laws of mathematics or the laws of nature, when we examine a flower petal, an insect wing or the human genetic code, we are in fact exploring parts and portions of the very character of God Himself.

To revert to an atavistic denial that a Creator exists is to deny oneself a coherent view of our existence. To the degree that our view of God is distorted, to that degree will our view of ourselves be distorted. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

What Does a Relationship With Jesus Get You?
That's what an atheist asked. According to this person, I'm no better off than anyone else in the world, including him. (((wry smile))) I beg to differ.

Because of my relationship with Jesus, I have freedom from resentments, freedom to look forward to eternity, freedom to become a man of integrity, freedom from self-centeredness, and freedom to be thankful, wonderfully, wonderfully thankful. I have the freedom to admit that everything that I have is from God and from Him alone, freedom from the need to be rich, freedom to be wronged without it becoming a big deal and I have found the freedom to learn and to grow into Christ-likeness in every single situation.

Besides all that, I have the freedom to hope. The New Testament is filled with messages of hope. I have "the hope of the gospel," "the hope of the promise," "the hope of His calling," "the hope which is laid up for me in heaven," "our hope of glory," "hope in our Lord Jesus Christ," "that blessed hope," "the hope of eternal life," "the full assurance of hope," "the hope we have as an anchor," "a lively hope" and on and on it goes. This is not some pious wish, but a hope in the sense of a sure confidence. The Christian’s hope, since it is rooted in the person of Jesus Christ is a hope of which I am not ashamed, a hope that is as sure as Jesus Christ Himself is sure. The future holds for me more good that I cold ever hope for.

To be continued . . .

Misplaced Trust In Science

Did you know that there are people on this planet (atheists to a person) who believe, they actually believe AND they will say it out loud, “Science is the only way to know truth.”
That of course is an unprovable philosophical statement. In fact:
. Science can't tell us why kindness is better than cruelty - yet we still believe it to be true
. Science can't tell us how the laws of mathematics and logic came to exist or why they came to exist, but we still live as though they do exist.
If the genius who made the first statement says these laws exist to prove science, s/he is arguing in a circular manner. But that's not all -
. Science can't explain or prove these metaphysical truths;
- there are minds other than my own
- the external world is real
- the external world didn't begin to exist ten minutes ago appearing as aged.
. Science can't prove or disprove ethical beliefs
- Whether the Nazis did anything evil
. Science can't rule on aesthetic judgements
- Beauty and goodness can't be proven
. Science itself can't be justified by the scientific method of enquiry.
Don't get me wrong. The scientific method of knowing is a masterful way of learning about physical matter. It does indeed lead to some truths regarding matter. Science however will never help humans “cure” their most desperate need; that of overcoming human nature.
Nevertheless, those who have thrown their lot in with science are prepared to wait until their dying day for a scientific answer to why this mathematically precise, life-supporting, moral universe exists.

(((Yawn . . .)))

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Jesus claimed to be the great I AM -

. “I am the Good Shepherd.” Jn.10:11 - But the Old Testament says that Yahweh is our Shepherd
. “I am the Judge of all men.” Matt.25:31ff Jn.5:27ff - But the Old Testament says that Yahweh is the Judge of all nations.
. “Father, glorify me, in your presence with the glory I had with You before the world began,” Jn.17:5 - But in the Old Testament Yahweh says that He will not give His glory to anyone except Himself.
. “I Am the Bridegroom,” Matt 25:1 - But the Old Testament uses this term only for Yahweh
. “I am the first and the last,” Rev.1:17 - But this is the exact term that Yahweh uses of Himself in the Old Testament.
. “I am the light of the world,” But the Old Testament says that Yahweh is the light of the world. 
. “Before Abraham was, I AM,” But the Old Testament says that Yahweh is the great I AM.

The religious leaders wanted Jesus to be killed because they clearly heard Him claim to be God.

Jesus claimed to be equal with God:
. “Son, your sins are forgiven.”Mk. 2:5ff - But the Old Testament says that only God can forgive our sins.
. “I have the power to raise the dead and to judge them also.” Jn5:25-29 “For just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, even so the Son also gives life to whom He wishes,” Jn 5:21 - But the Old Testament says that only God can give life and raise from the dead.
. “He who does not honour Me does not honour the Father,” Jn. 5:23 - But the Old Testament says that only God should be honoured.

The religious leaders wanted Jesus to be killed because they clearly heard Him claim to be God.

Jesus claimed to be Messiah - God
. Isaiah says of the coming Messiah, [He will be] “Mighty God, the everlasting Father.”
. Jesus says that prophecies from the Old Testament concerning Messiah were referring to Him and to Him alone. 
. “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?” Jesus answered, “I Am.” The High Priest tore his robes and said, “What need of we for further proof. You have heard Him say He is God.”

The religious leaders wanted Jesus to be killed because they clearly heard Him claim to be God.

Jesus claimed to be worthy of worship:
. Even though both the Old and the New Testaments of the Bible forbid the worship of anyone or anything but Creator God, Jesus allowed people to worship Him. 
-In Matt. 8:2it was a leper whom Jesus had healed. 
-In Matt. 9:18 it was a rich ruler. 
-In Jn. 9:38 it was someone who Jesus healed of blindness. 
-In Matt. 14:33 it was His closest followers after He had done what only God could do - calm a storm. 
-In Matt. 15:25 Jesus allowed a Canaanite women to worship Him as did the mother of James and John which is recorded in Matt. 20:20
-In Mk. 5:6 A man who’d just be freed from a legion of demons worshipped Jesus. 

In all these cases Jesus allowed people to worship Him and to call Him God as though it was His due. Jesus considered Himself to be God Incarnate and 
The religious leaders wanted Jesus to be killed because they clearly heard Him claim to be God.

Jesus claimed that His authority was equal to that of God:
. One of the most famous portions of the historical record of Jesus’ ministry is Jesus’ promises to the people as found in the Sermon on the Mount and in His, “You have heard it said . . . but I say,” statements. He said that He was the Promise and the Authority and the people recognised that He spoke with authority, ‘Not as their teachers who quoted other authorities.’ Jesus told His followers that by His authority He was sending them out to tell others about God’s love as they had seen that love demonstrated through Him. Jesus pointed out that it was those who reject what He taught that would be condemned to eternal life in the total absence of God’s love. "He who rejects me rejects the Father." Clearly He taught that He was more than just a man.

The religious leaders wanted Jesus to be killed because they clearly heard Him claim to be God.

Jesus claimed that people could and should Pray “in His name:”
. “Whatever you ask in My Name, I will do it.” Jn.14:13. 
. Jesus explained what it meant to be asking for something “In Jesus’ name” when He said, “If you abide (walk, talk, live and exist in an ever increasingly intimate relationship with Jesus) in Me I will give you want you want.” Jn.15:7. 
. “No one comes to the Father but through Me. I and the Father are one.” We are encouraged to pray to God, but also to Jesus who is God.

The religious leaders wanted Jesus to be killed because they clearly heard Him claim to be God.

. The people who knew Jesus best, both His friends and His enemies recognised Jesus’ claims to be Yahweh. He demonstrated this fact by the things that He did. At one point Jesus said, “You don’t have to believe that I Am God by what I say, but you should believe that I Am God by what I do.” Why? Because the things that He was doing were not possible via natural means. They were supernatural. He fulfilled prophecy, He led a sinless life, He performed miraculous deeds, the greatest of which was His resurrection from the dead.

The religious leaders wanted Jesus to be killed because they clearly heard Him claim to be God.

As far as I can see, there can be only two reasons for making a statement like, “Jesus never claimed to be God.” 
First, the writer suffers from profound ignorance regarding the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. 
Second, the writer is a liar. 
There may be other reasons that I’m not aware of but the conclusion is the same, the writer is wrong at every level.
On the other hand, I guess Jesus had only Himself to blame. If He didn't want people thinking that He was God:
- He shouldn’t have claimed to be omniscient (Matt. (9:4), 
- He shouldn't have claimed to be omnipotent (Matt. 28:18) and 
- He shouldn't have claimd to be omnipresent Matt.28:20). 
And of course He shouldn’t have ever done things that only God can do like forgiving sins (Mark 2:1-12)raising the dead (John 12:9) creating the universe (John 1:3) sustaining the universe Col. 1:17) and judging you and I on whether or not we bend our knee in humble submission to Him as Lord, Saviour and Creator, (John 5:27). 

Now, the religious leaders of that day weren’t able to spend three very intense years being taught by Jesus so they weren’t able to conclude, as could His closest followers, that “The Word (Jesus) was God.” (John 1:1). 

. The religious leaders of the day heard Jesus proclaiming Himself to be God. 
. Jesus’ followers heard Jesus proclaiming Himself to be God. 
. Jesus’ converts today numbering two billion strong, recognise Jesus to be God. 

Friday, July 12, 2013

What Does a Relationship With Jesus Get You?
That's what an atheist asked. According to this person, I'm no better off than anyone else in the world, including him. (((wry smile))) I beg to differ.
Because of my relationship with Jesus, I have freedom to know that God is pleased with me, freedom to sacrifice for others without feeling used, freedom to have a clear conscience, freedom to actually become a good person in the eyes of God, freedom from bitterness, freedom to be gentle toward those who are hostile toward me. I have freedom to submit to others from a position of inner strength and confidence, and I have the freedom to not only experience grace from God, but the freedom to extend that grace to others.

Because of my relationship with Jesus, I have freedom to love others, freedom to take a one-down position and not lose one iota of value or worth, freedom from anxiety, freedom from the fear of death, freedom from the fear of other people, freedom from the fear of anything that life wants to bring my way. I have the freedom to serve Jesus, freedom to be kind toward those who are not kind toward me, and freedom to do the right thing even when I’m strongly tempted to do the wrong thing.

Besides all that, I have freedom to have an inexhaustible Source of spiritual and moral power. By simply trusting Jesus, He has promised me pardon for my sin, peace for my soul, strength in the hour of trouble, courage in the face of difficulty, power in the moment of temptation - and I receive this pardon, peace, and power simply by trusting that He will keep His promise.
To be continued . . .

One Purpose for Marriage

Atheists and Pagans are once again pushing the line that humans aren't made for monogamous marriage.
They're right. In our natural state we are built for greed, corrupt self-love and to use and abuse others for our own selfish gain. The kind of giving and "other love" that is required to make a monogamous marriage work is not who we are in our natural state. 

If you are struggling in your marriage, and if you are a follower of Jesus, cheer up. The new is good. The beauty of where you’re at, is that these difficulties are giving you the opportunity the live Christianity at its purist.
For example:                                                                                                         God doesn’t love us because of who we are. God loves us because of who He is.
God doesn’t love us because we have value. We have value because God loves us.
God says, be like Me. Follow Me. Do what I do.
And what does God do? God loves those who are difficult to love.
At this stage of marital recovery, you are being asked to love someone who is, at present at least, difficult to love.
That’s why, when we cry out to God, “But Lord, look how I’m being treated!” God says,
Love your enemy.
Do good to the one who is treating you badly.
Pray for the one who is making your life difficult.
Don’t worry about being loved in return.
Don’t worry about it feeling unfair.
Just do it.
Just treat your partner with love, because that is what I do for you, and My promise in Romans 8:29 is that I can use all things to help you become like Me.”

Thursday, July 11, 2013

What Does a Relationship With Jesus Get You?
That's what an atheist asked. According to this person, I'm no better off than anyone else in the world, including him. (((wry smile))) I beg to differ.

Because of my relationship with Jesus, I have freedom from worry. I have freedom to be filled with passion for the most worthy cause on earth, that of furthering the kingdom of God. I have freedom from slavery to sin, freedom to obey my Creator, freedom to have patience in the face of frustration, freedom to know the will of God, and freedom from guilt.

Besides all that, I have freedom to become more spiritual than any seeker of worldly spirituality, for my soul, encased in this earthly shell is now the residence of God’s Holy Spirit. He uplifts my troubled soul. He is my unfailing comforter. He corrects me. He counsels me. He is my teacher who sanctifies me. I thank the Spirit of the Living God for the assurance He brings me on a daily basis. He brings me blessed and holy quietness. He revives me with life and with power. He cleanses and renews me. He bends me and remakes me. He gives me faith and I live an abundant life because of that faith. I am so very thankful for the Holy Spirit, for He has kindled a flame of sacred love in this once cold, cold heart of mine.

God's Existence Is Plain To See

 "There is no one thing whatsoever more plain and manifest, and more demonstrable, than the being of God. It is manifest in ourselves, in our bodies and souls, and in everything about us wherever we turn our eye, whether to heaven, or to the earth, the air, or the seas. And yet how prone is the heart of man to call this into question! So inclined is the heart of man to blindness and delusion, that it is prone to even atheism itself.” 
Jonathan Edwards
Spurgeon adds, “He who hates truth soon hates its advocate.”

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What Does a Relationship With Jesus Get You?
That's what an atheist asked. According to this person who denies the existence of God in his life, I'm no better off than anyone else in the world, including him. (((wry smile))) I beg to differ.

Because of my relationship with Jesus, I have the freedom to have wonderful, deep and abiding peace. I have the freedom to have peace in the thick of adversity, peace in the midst of conflict, peace in the face of opposition, peace beneath the weight of every burden. I have the freedom to lie down and sleep in peace knowing that the Creator of the Universe provides for my safety.

Besides all that, I have freedom to experience joy. I have found that, no matter what the circumstance, no matter how filled with gloom the prospect, no matter how discouraging or disconcerting the difficulty - I can nevertheless tap that reservoir of joy which God has placed into every human heart that has come to Him through Christ. The assurance of His pardon, His power, His presence in every scene of life, has emptied my life of gloom and sadness and filled it with a high and holy gladness. Jesus came to earth to proclaim, in part, a religion of joy. Wherever He went, throughout His earthly life, He brought joy to the sorrowing, cheer to the downcast, and gladness to those who were sitting in the shadow of death. His earthly ministry restored joy to human hearts which had been languishing in the shackles of sin and sadness. He came to do that for me! Jesus says to His followers, "These things I have spoken to you that My joy might remain in you and that your joy might be full." Jesus has given me a joy that is so deep, so firm, so sure that the trials of life are but as the ripples on the surface of the sea.
To be continued.

Sin and Grace

Where sin abounded, grace abounded much more.” Romans 5:20.
What that’s saying is that no matter how bad we’ve been, God’s grace is greater. His forgiveness is ready and waiting for us to ask. In fact, the only thing that can’t be forgiven is an attitude that says, “I’m so good, I don’t need forgiveness.”
On the other hand some christians seem to think that the extent of God’s grace means that they don’t need to take sin seriously. I remember working with a Pastor as he was about to end his third marriage. He and his wife were in my office and she was crying and saying, “It’s not right to just walk away. God can help us fix this.” And this guy said to his wife, “Do you think God can’t forgive a divorce?”
In reality, it’s impossible for a genuine Christian to not take sin seriously.
To think like that Pastor would mean that we would have to call the Holy Spirit a liar as He convicts us about the sinful life that we are living.
The death and resurrection of Jesus has set us free. We are no longer in bondage to sin (Romans 6:17). Whether it’s an addiction to porn or mood altering chemicals, whether it’s an unfaithful heart or a dishonest heart, because of what Jesus accomplished when He “made a spectacle of satan and his demons,” we no longer have to obey sin’s demand that we obey.
Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.”
1st Corinthians 6:9 -11
Every single day, people in each of these categories and more are being changed by the power of Jesus the Christ. You now have the power to say “no.” Because of God’s grace, we never again have to let sin rule over us. Knowing that it was our sin that sent Jesus to the cross, how could we ever justify continuing in obedience to sin?

Knowing God’s grace, “We can freely and with confidence approach the throne of grace to receive grace and find mercy in our time of need.”

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

“I'm Weak Enough for Victory”

I had posted a comment like that on a guy's blog. The comment conveyed the message about how, because I'm a Christian, because I'm a follower of Jesus, that even in my weakness I am strong. More than that, because of my weakness, God's Spirit working in me made me stronger than I had ever been without Him. 
Someone on the outside thought that was pretty funny, in a “You're an idiot,” kind of way.
You can't expect a person in h/her pre conversion state to understand what it's like to be living right-side-up in an up-side-down world. You can't expect them to get the Christian paradigm that says:
We find life through dying to self
We win, through losing
We get, through giving, and so on.
In their song, “Faith Enough,” the band, Jars of Clay do a good job of describing the change of perspective that comes when following Jesus.
The ice is thin enough for skating
The rope is worn enough to climb
The throat is dry enough for talking
The world is crumbling, but I know why.
This body is frail enough for fighting
I'm home enough to know I'm lost.
It's just enough to be strong, In the broken places
It's just enough to be strong, should the world rely on faith tonight.
The land unfit enough for planting
Barren enough to conceive
Poor enough to gain the treasure
Enough a cynic to believe
It's just enough to be strong, In the broken places
It's just enough to be strong, should the world rely on faith tonight.
Confused enough to know direction
The sun eclipsed enough to shine
Be still enough to finally tremble
See enough to know I'm blind”

Sadly, those on the outside looking in do not yet know any of this to be true; the truth that I'm weak enough to be more than a conqueror. This because in our human weakness, we are forced to depend on Jesus in order to find life, to receive salvation, to be forgiven.