Store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven
where moth and rust cannot destroy and thieves cannot break in and steal

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

To Laugh or to Cry

That is the question. If you ever doubt the ability of humans to screw up their lives read about this doctor and his "much longer than usual" pelvic examinations.

It brought tears to my eyes - especially the part when "an expert witness" said that "breast examinations are usually done separately from pelvic examinations."

I think the doctor should get whateverman to testify for him. WEM could say that God made the doctor do what he did. The doctor had no choice in the matter.


  1. Are you being a dick because it makes you feel better somehow?

    You claim to believe in the Bible, but you behave as if you don't. I personally don't care either way, but one would think that a real follower of Christ would fear Hell enough to want to avoid it. You don't seem to fear it at all.

    I wonder why that is...

  2. What's your problem.

    Are you embarrassed for people to know you believe that people don't have a choice in how they behave?

    Are you embarrassed to for people to know that you believe God has programmed us to do this but not that and we have no choice?

    Or was it a different whateverman who wrote the following?

    "Adam and Eve did not have a choice in how they behaved. God made them knowing they would eat that apple, and that there was no possibility of them doing otherwise."

    If it was true for Adam and Eve then it was true for the doctor. According to whateverman the doctor had no choice but to molest those women.

  3. Mak, you don't understand the problem of free will. You go on talking as if free will is not an age old question tackled by the greatest minds to walk the earth. The type of attitude you have is,

    "of course I have free will, I woke up in the morning and CHOSE to eat pancakes."

    Only individuals who don't understand the problem would have such an attitude. To you it's obvious that free will exists. But it's not obvious, it's not as simple as that. It's not simple at all.

    Whateverman is not embarrassed. To be honest, it's quite the opposite. I find myself embarrassed for you, for not being able to understand the weight of the question.

    Further, it's not even the actual question of free will that we're putting to the test, but free will under the qualifications of god. Even after painfully careful explanation, you still just can't wrap your mind around the philosophy put forth. Instead you resort to,
    "I know my god, you don't."

  4. Mak what you dont get is there is a very big difference between having free will which then allows for choice ,which this guy obviously chose wrong with.

    And ideas of the likelyhood of us then actually being also punished for some eternity, by a god who supposedly created humans with the ability to make these wrong choices! in the first place.

    If we humans! were the ones who so happens went and actually "created" this Dr. Edward Poon!, complete with the very ability! of being able to make wrong choices!.

    Then it wouldnt be so right! that we then would go and also! go and punish him for an eternity, for simply making a mistake!,a mistake through a "imperfection" (of our own creation) that we imposed on him! in the very first place! while we were involved in the very act of creating! him.

    Dr poon didnt ask to be created ,why then punish him for some eternity,when it was us who created him with the ability of making mistakes.

    Thats like baking a poisonous cake ,and then also punishing folks forever, if they happened to dare to ever go and get poisoned.

    Its not any real justice.It would even be a real injustice.

  5. Why Free Will,Prayer and an Omnipotent God are Mutually Exclusive

  6. What's your problem.

    Are you embarrassed for people to know you believe that people don't have a choice in how they behave?

    No, I'm not. Do you wonder why I'm not embarrassed? If you do, you could find out by simply reading what I wrote, and trying your very bestest to not misrepresent or lie about it.

    I said IN THE CONTEXT OF YOUR GOD, we have no free will. The embarrassment is yours, not mine.

    But please, as you're so eager to do, continue lying about what other people say here. Really, I want to see you do it over and over. It's a consistent affirmation that your system of morality is subjective, and that you're not really a follower of Christ.

  7. In addition to Mak's problem of his God removing our ability to make choices freely, I went on about my personal opinions IRT free will. It's right here, in this blog, both points being written in the same post.

    And somehow, Mak believed it morally acceptable to mischaracterize what I said.

    Lying for Jesus? Check.
    Wallowing in his own sin? Check.
    No fear of eternal hellfire? Check.

    Not a follower of Christ? Check.
