Store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven
where moth and rust cannot destroy and thieves cannot break in and steal

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fools - Logic & Christianity

You don’t have to spend much time on the blogs of Fools to realise that they don’t really have an logical or rational argument against Christianity. They just don’t like Christianity.

Some of them say that Christianity promotes violence while others gag on its “ridiculous” demands (love your enemy, do good to those who hate you) for nonviolence.

Some lament that Christianity is impossible to understand while others mock its simplicity.

Fools cry foul when “Hitler could get into heaven just by asking to be forgiven,” and fools cry foul for not being allowed into heaven simply for refusing to be forgiven.

Some criticise Christianity for its “worm theology” of humans while others condemn it for making Christians think too highly of themselves.

Countless Fools rail against Christianity for making salvation hopelessly impossible while others say, “All you have to do . . .” and criticise it from that perspective.

Some say Christianity makes its adherents not care about life on earth while others say that followers of Christ work hard to do good only to avoid hell.

Some Fools say that Christian morality is bad while other Fools say there’s no such thing as Christian morality - we’ve all evolved a similar morality.

Some Fools rail against Christianity for the dreadful sexual exploits that are documented in the Bible while others rail against Christianity for denying humans a full range of possible sexual behaviours.

Some take Christianity to task as the sole enemy of life itself while others hate Christianity for pushing a sanctity of life.

Some claim that Christianity robs people of joy while others say that the joy Christians experience is based on fantasy.

Some Fools rake Christianity over the coals for its diversity and other Fools rage that Christianity forces everyone to be the same.

Some lament that Christianity has forced itself on the world while others laugh that Christianity has had no effect whatsoever.

Fools get angry that Christianity, they say, demeans minorities while other Fools cannot understand why minorities are the main adherents of Christianity.

Many Fools charge Christianity with trying to wipe out the Jewish race while others lament the fact that Christianity was founded by Jews.

Some fools like Dawkins hold that Christian theologians have no understanding of Christianity while at the same time Dawkins and those just like him hold themselves up as experts on Christianity.

A Fool here laments Christianity is not fighting against evil as it should while a Fool over there charges that Christianity is the cause of all evil.

Some Fools say the eyewitness to Jesus’ life lied while others claim there weren’t any eyewitnesses.

Fools accuse Christianity of being based upon mythology while offering nothing but mythological solutions of their own.

Some Fools suggest material possibilities for how Jesus walked on the water while others say Jesus never walked on water.

Some Fools give material explanations for why the tomb was empty while other Fools say that Jesus never existed.

Some Fools charge Christianity with being exclusive while others fuss and fret that salvation is open to anyone, especially those they don't like.

Fools look at Christians who’ve missed a spot and yell “Hypocrite.” Other Fools look at Christians who do pretty good and mock, “Fanatic!”

Fools attack Christianity for being full of contradictions whereas obviously it’s Fools themselves whose lives are full of contradictions.


  1. Christianity is the ultimate set of contradictions-- those that are humble being exalted and the rest. It's part of what makes it amazing.

  2. And some Fools think their religion gives them an excuse to dismiss their ideological opponents out of hand without doing any of the work required to refute them.

  3. Have and example in mind, Mark?

  4. Very true. As someone very concerned with being able to answer every argument, I think a list like this could be very, very useful as a response to non-Christians who cite internal strife in various christian groups and even in the true Church itself.

  5. non-christians are not one unified group.
