Store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven
where moth and rust cannot destroy and thieves cannot break in and steal

Friday, August 6, 2010

No Compassionate God Here

On a blog about Christopher Hitchen’s walk with cancer, and on his article in Vanity Fair, one comment was,

“[Hitchen’s cancer] is further proof that a compassionate God does not exist.”

I couldn’t disagree more.f

IF God exists and IF hell exists, then grabbing someone who is on h/his way to hell and shaking him until You get his attention is the most compassionate thing a loving God could do.

Unlike a car accident, a heart attack, a stroke, or falling down stairs, or being crushed in an earthquake, or being caught in random shooting or any number of ways that our ability to make a decision for God can end suddenly, cancer and almost exclusively cancer gives a person time to contemplate the only two eternal options set before you.

Remember, this cancer will be just the latest, albeit the most dramatic of a long line of warnings that Hitchens has received and ignored over the years.

Hitchens is so far down the “Deny God’s Existence Road” that if there is ANY hope for return, he will need as much time as possible. I can think of few other options besides cancer that will give Chris:

a) a reason to think about the end

b) the time to think about the end, and

c) hold his attention until the end, like the severe mercy that is cancer.

May Christopher Hitchens accept the forgiveness and salvation that is being offered to him right now by the God of all mercy and kindness, patience and grace, compassion and love before it’s too late.

“I tell you, now is the time of God's favour, now is the day of salvation."

Christopher said he thinks that many people are eagerly awaiting his demise. There may be some. He’s made a lot of money out of creating deliberate offense. This I do know. God is not eagerly awaiting Mr. Hitchens’ death.

“I take no delight in the death of the wicked. So turn from your sins and live.”

To date Chris Hitchens has portrayed himself as someone who will glibly step of the dead body of Jesus just to prove that he is accountable to no one, not even his Creator. My prayer is that Hitchens experiences spiritual healing as soon as possible so that not only his remaining days on earth but from today and on into eternity he may truly rest in peace in the glorious presence of his Creator.

Even after a life-time spent in blaspheming God and mocking, ridiculing and outright hating His followers, the offer of forgiveness from a compassionate God is still on the table -

Only Chris can keep that from happening.


  1. Yes, I am being mocking.August 7, 2010 at 6:38 PM

    Let us pray,
    Dear Lord,
    Strike down the unbelievers with your love in the form of cancer.

  2. In my sixty years of living, outside of two-year-olds, I’ve never met any population so allergic in their reaction to pain and difficulty as are atheists.

    Expose them to any one of the hundreds of possibilities that cause suffering common to life on planet earth and the God atheists say they don’t believe in comes under immediate attack.

    Strange but true.

    Absurd but true.

    Illogical but true.

    But what can we do.

    This is what atheists are like.

    It’s how they think.

  3. In all my years of living, I've never met any population as stupid and brain-dead as Christians.

    Expose them to any one of hundreds of facts that make their magic invisible friend an impossibility and they immediately hide from reality.

    Strange but true.

    Absurd but true.

    Illogical but true.

    But what can we do.

    This is what Christians are like.

    It’s how they think.

  4. "Expose them to any one of hundreds of facts that make their magic invisible friend an impossibility"

    Like what?

  5. Hello? I don't expect you to give me all of the hundreds. We can start with just one.

  6. Actual infinity as being non-imaginary.

  7. Infinity is, by definition, imaginary

    Creator God is, by definition, infinite

    Creator God is imaginary


  8. “Infinity is, by definition, imaginary. Creator God is, by definition, infinite. Creator God is imaginary.

    Well, perhaps in atheist-world that rings true. Perhaps even to more people than just you.

    In reality that is just a mess of words without meaning. As with many people who deal in lies and absurdities, you’ve given one small half-truth.

    The material infinite does not exist.

    Mathematics is able to deal with abstract or theoretical or conceptual or potential infinities but that is not what we’re dealing with here. Is it?

    When speaking of God as infinite we mean two things:
    . His abilities and powers are without limit. Since you’ll immediately fall back into absurdities ("you mean He could make a square circle?"), what that means is that Creator God can do anything that does not contradict logic or His own character.

    . He exists from the infinite or eternal past and into the infinite or eternal future. Eternal in this sense meaning outside of or unbound by and prior to the strictures of time.

    While the material infinite is imaginary, i.e., it cannot and does not exist, God is Spirit.

    Your comment may prove something to fellow atheists who themselves exist within a belief system replete with atheist origin of the universe and origin of life mythologies, but it certainly doesn’t prove that Creator God doesn’t exist.

  9. "it certainly doesn’t prove that Creator God doesn’t exist."


    It only shows that your Infinite God is imaginary, nothing else.

    Now, prove it is real... LOL

    While you're at it, what's the difference between:

    a) an infinite regress of causes, from -infinity to +infinty


    b) an infinite 'out-of-time' God, existing from -infinity to +infinity


    "God is Spirit"

    Talking about 'mess of words without meaning', LOL!

  10. So tell me, when you say, "God is infinite," what does that mean?

  11. In theory, his existence (life-span?) is infinite...

  12. "In theory, his existence (life-span?) is infinite..."

    And because the material infinite doesn't / can’t exist . . . God, even though He is Immaterial / Spirit, doesn't / can't exist either? Is that what you're saying?

    Even though God is not material in nature, but Spirit, He can't exist because the material infinite can't exist. That's what you're saying? Yes?

    Since you're saying that nothing (matter / energy included) can exist for eternity, or from infinity past, AND

    Since you're saying that not even a Creator Spirit can exist for eternity, or from infinity past,

    Doesn't that mean that you're saying that at one time nothing, absolutely nothing existed?

    AND since at one time nothing, absolutely nothing existed -

    Doesn't that mean that you're saying that everything came from nothing by nothing?

    Is that what you’re saying?

  13. And because the material infinite doesn't / can’t exist...

    Why did you add 'material' ?

    Infinity is imaginary, no matter what's infinite, it is imaginary by definition.

    Doesn't that mean that you're saying that everything came from nothing by nothing?

    YES! OF COURSE! ... LOL, ur funny dude

  14. "Yes of course."

    You say that just as though it's possible.

  15. "Yes of course."

    Thesauros: You say that just as though it's possible.

    OMG are you THAT stupid? Really?

    I say that because it is OBVIOUSLY a RIDICULE idea! Nobody believes everything came from nothing by nothing. You're just being silly...

  16. so.... again...

    Why did you add 'material' ?

    Infinity is imaginary, no matter what's infinite, it is imaginary by definition.


  17. Ah, now I remember. You're the guy who says,

    "It's not that matter is eternal OR
    The the cause of matter is eternal.

    There's a third option that we just haven't thought of yet."

  18. guy? why not gal? you assume too much Thesauros...

    Anyway... so matter is eternal OR the cause of matter is?

    Both use the imaginary term eternal; what's your point? Where's the real part of all this?

  19. Is Creator God eternal/infinite?

  20. If the universe goes on and on and on without ever coming to an end, what is the term that you would use, if not "and on into eternity"?

  21. If the universe goes on and on and on without ever coming to an end, what is the term that you would use, if not "and on into eternity"?

    It's an imaginary situation so we can use eternal yes, why not?

  22. Is Creator God eternal/infinite?

  23. It's an imaginary situation?

    Do you have some information that indicates that matter / energy are going to cease to exist some day?

  24. No, u?

    Any information about the contrary as well?

  25. The universe / matter cannot be past eternal (There cannot be an infinite regress of cause) BUT it can be and will be future eternal > eternity / eternal is not imaginary.

  26. According to you...
    -infinity is impossible
    +infinity is possible

    Eternal IS imaginary; it's synonym to infinity, which IS imaginary. You disagree with that; why?

  27. Are you acting obtuse or is this for real?

    God is Spirit
    God is Immaterial
    God is eternal
    He has alway existed and always will exist.
    He has no beginning and no end
    He has never NOT existed

    Space, time, matter and energy are not and indeed cannot be eternal.

    They had a beginning.

    Their existence began because Creator God brought them into existence.

    Are you saying that the future of the universe is imaginary?

  28. In other words...
    God is infinite (eternal), but nothing else can be, since it's impossible for something to be infinite (eternal).

    Special pleading!

    It does not mean that God did not create any of the things you mention, assuming he is real, it could be the case, but why then would he be the only thing/person that can be infinite? Because he "said" so? very convenient... never occurred to you that it's PEOPLE who said that it was so... ?

  29. oh and saying that because we cannot have an infinite regress of cause does not mean anything, as we could have a weird scenario of circular causes where the end of our universe is also it's beginning or something like that, that we cannot even imagine, jumping right away to a PERSON, a Creator God, is just filling an unknown gap, it's a belief that you hold, good for you, but it's not proven... it's imaginary.

  30. by the way...

    "Are you saying that the future of the universe is imaginary?"

    Yes, anything in what is the future for us is imaginary; what else could it be?

  31. I agree with the Anonymous commenter. We cannot know how the universe started. It is a belief that Theists (like Thesauros and I) hold that it was God. Atheists don't have such belief.

    Thesauros, however, makes the mistakes of pretending that it HAD to be the case because of his already existing belief in God. He is letting his beliefs cloud his rational view of the world.

  32. "God is infinite (eternal), but nothing else can be, since it's impossible for something to be infinite (eternal)."

    It’s impossible for matter / energy to have an infinite past. That’s not special pleading. It’s a scientific fact. Google Borde, Guth, Vilenkin Theorem.

    Borde, Guth and Vilenkin have been able to extend their conclusion of the past-incomplete cyclic universe to the following atheist Origin Of The Universe Mythologies.
    Oscillating universe -

    Baby universes -

    Multi verses -

    The Cyclic Ekpyrotic Scenario -

    The Chaotic Inflationary universe -

    Brane-cosmology -

    Inflationary multi-verse -

    Bubble universes floating in a sea of false vacuum -

    The many worlds hypothesis -

    The black hole hypothesis -

    Quantum gravity models -

    Vacuum fluctuation models -

    Imaginary time and imaginary space -

    The conclusion they reached is that any model of an expanding universe, be it theoretical like the ones just mentioned or real, such as our own, is geodesically incomplete, or past-incomplete without a past finite space / time boundary.

    In the words of Vilenkin himself, “It is said that an Argument is what convinces reasonable men, and a Proof is what it takes to convince an unreasonable man. With the proof now in place, cosmologists can no longer hide behind the possibility of a past-eternal universe. There is no escape, they have to face the problem of the cosmic beginning.” Alex Vilenkin, “Many Worlds In One - The Search for Other Universes,” 11

    "we could have a weird scenario of circular causes"
    No, we could not and science itself points that out. Like I said before, You're the guy who says,
    "It's not that matter is eternal OR
    The cause of matter is eternal.
    There's a third option that we just haven't thought of yet."


    @ inhisname
    “I agree with the Anonymous commenter.”

    I’ll bet you do. Your comments have always felt like those of a pretender.

    Our options have nothing to do with what you or I or anyone else believes. According to both Science and Philosophy:

    1) Matter is eternal - or
    Creator God is eternal

    2) If Matter isn’t eternal then Matter is able to bring itself into existence - or
    Creator God brings matter into existence

    3) Matter, against impossible odds, accidentally or purposely produces life - or
    Creator God purposely produces life from Matter

    4) Matter arranges and designs itself exquisitely and intricately - or
    Creator God arranges and designs Matter exquisitely and intricately

    5) Matter produces a life of meaning and context and purpose - NOT! - or
    Creator God produces a life of meaning and context and purpose.

  33. You confuse knowledge and beliefs, go beyond humans' knowledge to support your pre-existing beliefs, and create false dichotomies in the process...

    Your first 2 points above are good example. Why would Creator God not be able to create matter that appear to us as being eternal? Why do you put restrictions on Creator God's abilities when He is not limited by anything?

    You created an idol, one that suits your limited human mind, and decided to worship it; if there is a pretender here, it's you.

  34. "Why would Creator God not be able to create matter that appear to us as being eternal?"

    Well, God could have done that but He didn't - did He?

    Creator God made it crystal clear - meaning there is compelling evidence to show that space, time, matter, energy and the laws of physics all had a definitive space / time boundary, a beginning, a singularity a specific clearly deliniated creation event.

    Those who recognise that the ONLY possible cause of such an event must have possessed the characteristics of what we call God are the ONLY ones trying to make a case for matter having always existed.

  35. Thesauros, let's quickly clarify something;
    Do you consider yourself a Gnostic or Agnostic Theist?
