Store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven
where moth and rust cannot destroy and thieves cannot break in and steal

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What’s Wrong With That?

An atheist asked, “What’s wrong with exploring alternatives to God regarding the Creation of the universe?”

Here’s what’s wrong with it.
A delivery truck is barrelling down the street. It’s going way too fast. Your five year old son runs off the sidewalk and into the path of the truck. A man you’ve never met sees what’s about to happen. He knocks your son out of the road but sadly is himself killed in the process.

The truck stops, emergency services are called, a crowd gathers. The wife of the man who saved the life of your son is horrified and runs to her husband’s lifeless body. Shocked and overcome with relief that your son is ok you say,

“I am so thankful to the truck driver for saving my son’s life.”

“The truck driver!” screams the man’s wife. “He’s the one who almost killed your kid.”

“Oh, ok. I didn’t know you’d feel that way. The shopkeeper. I’m sure grateful that the shopkeeper saved my kid’s life.”

“The shopkeeper didn’t do anything you moron! He was the one who distracted you so you didn’t notice what your kid was doing.”

“The street cleaner?”


“Lady, what is the matter with you?”

“What’s the matter with me! My husband saved your son’s life and you’re suggesting everyone but my husband should get the credit!”

“I’m just suggesting alternatives. What’s wrong with that?”

Not only isn’t there any evidence for the dozen or so Atheist Origin of the Universe Mythologies that have been presented (including Hawking’s recent rehashing of the multiverse theory), the standard Big Bang Cosmological Model presents evidence AGAINST those mythologies.


Scientific evidence supports a Singularity in which everything came into being in an instant from nothing by an external Cause.

It can be said with absolute confidence that no cosmogonic model has been:
As repeatedly verified in its predictions,
As corroborated by attempts at its falsification,
As concordant with empirical discoveries, and
As philosophically coherent as the Standard Big Bang Creation Event Model.

So determined are atheists to rule out the metaphysical implications of Big Bang Model (everything coming from nothing by something outside of matter/ energy / space and time) that ANY suggestion will do, no matter how ludicrous.

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.” Psalm 19:1-3

“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualitites - His eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made so that no one anywhere is without excuse.” Romans 1:20

You think the woman in this story is insulted? Just wait till you meet your Maker! The One whose Son died so that you might live in spite of your careless and reckless disregard for His existence!


  1. Oh wow... thank you very much for the laugh!

    Then, cannot help but hearing you say... you'll not laugh 1 millisecond after you're dead ;)

    I cant believe you were serious when writing this post... regardless of being a believer or not, your analogy is childish and ridiculous, but anyway, it was very funny, and it says a lot more about you than any non-believers or other believers... Thanks for your time!

  2. He learned nothing
    He heard nothing
    He saw nothing
    He got nothing

    He walked away empty in mind and soul saying,

    “That was easy!”

  3. "You are walking down the street. Suddenly, a bystander runs up to you and tells you that a truck is careening down the street towards you. But if you bow to and worship the driver of the truck, he says, the driver will throw his son out of the trucks window and the son will push you out of the road and get hit himself. As a sign of the truck drivers mercy.

    You look up and down the street, and don’t see any out of control trucks. Or indeed any trucks at all. The bystander tells you that you just can’t see it from where you’re standing, but he can and he has to warn you to bow down to the truck driver before you get hit. You point out that, as an alternative to the possibility of invisible out-of-control trucks that only he can see, maybe he should get psychiatric help.

    The bystander tries to tell you that you’re making the truck driver angry by thinking of alternatives to invisible trucks and refusing to accept his mercy of throwing his son out a window to save you. Oh and also, science is wrong and the truck driver built the universe from nothing."

    - Quasar, @SMRT forum

  4. The difference in our stories, Hugo, is this.

    I made up a story to try to explain a reality that is supported by science.

    You have made up a story in an attempt to explain away a reality that is supported by science.

    How can you possibly think that's going to help you in the long run? Hugo, do you put all this efffort into denying reality because you have a vested interest in proving your mother wrong?

  5. Hugo, do you put all this efffort into denying reality because you have a vested interest in proving your mother wrong?

    I wrote at the end the author of the story. It was just funny, it's not meant to help us understand anything. It is however a great analogy that shows how non-believers perceive your stories.

    They are not reality nor proven by science. You admited to deny the findings of modern biology with respect to evolution, just to name that one, so it's pretty ironice for you to claim here that your view is supported by science when you reject such a large spectrum of the picture.

    Hugo, do you put all this efffort into denying reality because you have a vested interest in proving your mother wrong?

    No we don't argue about that and we have a great relationship. I don't see any harm in her believing what she was told when she was a kid and she does not seem to be worried about my eternal damnation that is bound to happen under her beliefs system, because like the vast majority of believers, she does not think about these things... she just accepts it on faith because she was told that 'good people go to heaven, bad to hell'...

    In any case, I hope you'll help me get Jesus into my life. It's worth a try!
    (see other post)
    I will honestly start with the fact that I accept Jesus. Then, show me what to do. That's what I learned from the audio you made me listen to the other day. Objections remain, we just need to start working on them. So, objectgions are still there, but I accept JEsus as my savior. When I'll die, we will forgive my sins and welcome me to heaven, after judging me of course. So, what's next?

  6. Hugo - you asked a tonne of questions and I don't know how to answer with just a few words so it's my next post.
