Store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven
where moth and rust cannot destroy and thieves cannot break in and steal

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

“This Is Pretty Weak Sauce Rod”

In response to my post “What a Book!” an atheist said, “This is some pretty weak sauce Rod.”

He quoted one of the verses that I gave in reference and poo pooed the whole idea that the Bible could actually be anything more than a book written by primitive men.

The Bible stated, thousands of years before science confirmed as fact, that:

That the universe had a beginning.

That time itself had a beginning.

The universe was Caused / Created from literally nothing.

What is visible is made from what is not visible

The Cause of the universe existed prior to the Singularity.

The universe is expanding and has done so from the beginning.

The Laws of Physics are fixed and have been from the beginning

The entire creation is subject to the Second law of Thermodynamics

Dark matter has a unique stretching property

The early earth was covered by water.

The early earth was devoid of life.

The Laws of Physics have not changed since the Singularity.

The early earth was unfit for life.

I ended the post, NOT with saying “This proves the Bible is God’s Word. Instead I said, “The examples above are just a few of the reasons for suspecting that the Bible is indeed, “God’s Word.”

For over a hundred years atheists have strenuously resisted most of the above Biblical claims. Because of the metaphysical implications of a universe with a beginning, atheists desperately wanted the Steady State Model of the universe to be true. Only grudgingly ("I find the Big Bang concept to be repugnant,") have atheists accepted these Biblical claims to be true. The findings of science have left them no choice.

Over the last century, as, one by one, science confirmed each of the facts I just listed, it was touted as an example of the wonders of human intellect and technology.

These were not actually discoveries but merely confirmations of what the Bible had already stated.

Were these confirmations of what the Bible declared thousands of years earlier significant?


Have these confirmations of what the Bible declared thousands of years earlier enhanced our understanding of ourselves and the universe in which we live.


Here is what is ironic about the atheist mind-set. When humans use technology to discover a fact about the universe, atheists practically worship the process that brought about the awareness of that fact.

When humans declare the exact same fact, thousands of years prior to the arrival of technology, atheists go, "Ho hum. That's some pretty weak sauce."

I've come to expect nothing more of atheists than what Anon #3 gave me.

1 comment:

  1. At the beginning of time, before the heavens and the earth came into existence...
    Eon followed eon: then, lo! out of the boundless...something light and transparent rose up and formed the heaven...
    In the meantime what was heavy and opaque in the void gradually precipitated and became the earth, but it had taken an immeasurably long time before it condensed sufficiently to form solid ground
    (Shinto myth) Blah blah blah, it goes on to describe the eons that past before the Earth could support life, etc...

    Oh noes! Thousands of years before science confirmed as fact, Shinto knew that:

    That the universe had a beginning.

    That time itself had a beginning.

    That the universe is expanding and has done so from the beginning.

    The early earth was covered by water.

    The early earth was devoid of life.

    The early earth was unfit for life.

    Now then, what does this mean?
    It means you and I trust science to describe reality first. You look at reality and twist your holy book to try and make it conform to reality. I (and others) can see how much you've twisted the verses and can see how easily you could do this to any creation myth.
    You have chosen your creation myth first. That is why the Koran's scientific facts don't impress you.
    And that is why your twisted verse don't impress me.
