Store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven
where moth and rust cannot destroy and thieves cannot break in and steal

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Saddest Thing About Atheism

To look everywhere for help except to the only place where help can be found, and to do this with intent and forethought seems the height of insanity. Yet this is exactly what atheists do on a daily basis. In an apotropaic effort that seems more like psychopathy than anything else, atheists call for more science, more wealth, more physical health all in the belief that this will ward off the emotional and spiritual ills that plague humanity. Yet as Max Lucado correctly tells us:
If our greatest need had been information -
God would have sent an educator.
If our greatest need had been technology -
God would have sent us a scientist.
If our greatest need had been money -
God would have sent us an economist.
Since our greatest need is forgiveness -
God sent us a Saviour.
God became like us
So that we could become like Him.
From Max Lucado - “When God Whispers Your Name"
What kind of a person would turn away from an offer like that?


  1. So it's the emotional and spiritual ills that plague humanity?
    So you say it's the mother's mourning of her dead baby that is the problem, not the baby dying?
    You prefer to comfort the mother with something that may or may not happen when she's dead - instead of keeping her kid alive?
    As for that kitsch song of Pastor Lucado: Every sane person would take the educator, the scientist, the economist, or all three, instead of someone who tells us all we're damned if we don't follow his strange local Mesopotamian folklore, gagged up with the Roman emperor's title of "son of god"...

  2. What kind of a person would turn away from an offer like that? A person who doesn't believe that any offer was made or that a "saviour" was sent or that this God you keep talking about is anything more than a fictional character from mythology. That is to say, an atheist.

    Suggestion: First learn what the word atheism means then ask some actual atheists what they believe and support and then you can go back to shooting your mouth off about us without looking so completely ignorant.
