Store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven
where moth and rust cannot destroy and thieves cannot break in and steal

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

To Anonymous

In response to my post “A Tragic Story” Anonymous asked some questions that are pretty basic to one’s understanding of Jesus and Christianity. S/he asked so many relevant questions that I’ll deal with them in a post of its own.

First, we ALL choose a paradigm that helps us explain what we see around us. It might be atheism, or a religion, or a political system or whatever. The means by which we arrive at this paradigm is similar. From the time that we can understand language we are all bombarded with messages to believe this but not that. Do this but not that. Each of us has to make a decision and then live according to what we’ve chosen. Here is why I did not choose atheism.

“I'm wondering why you cannot see that the bible was written from an emotional man's perspective?”

Yes, and? Show me something that isn’t written from our perspective, a perspective that’s been influenced by things from both outside and inside of us . . .. Some of what’s been written by “emotional man” will be completely wrong. Some will be a mixture of right and wrong and some will be bang on and deserving of further consideration.

It’s up to you and I to put considerable effort into sorting truth from error. I’ve found that there are perhaps six or seven critical areas of discovery the indicate that Christianity warrants further exploration, the Bible being one of those areas. Just how have a dozen or more authors ranging from Kings to Shepherds, highly educated to very little education, a doctor and a traitor writing over a period of some 1,400 years come together in a cohesive account of One Man? How does an author, who doesn’t understand the implications of what he’s talking about predict that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem? Another author talking about the same person predicts that He’ll die by crucifixion. Yet another author accurately states that what we see is made from what cannot be seen and this centuries before the microscope is invented. Another author describes the earth as a sphere while all those around him believe it’s flat. Another declares the number of stars to be uncountable while observation would suggest otherwise. How do those things happen? The Bible is not an ordinary book.

“Do you really believe that a god whom created the universe in just six days, after some 4000 years of sacrificing animals to atone for sins, suddenly decided to send his own sperm down to impregnate a virgin girl to have himself murdered to atone for sins???”

Do I really believe what you just said? No.

. While I believe that “everything came from nothing” as the standard cosmological model indicates, and I believe that Creator God was the cause of that Singularity, as to the six days, I don’t know what that means. I also think that science has forced Christians to rethink our understanding of the first chapter of Genesis.

. “Suddenly decide”? It wasn’t a sudden decision at all. This was a plan put in place before the universe was ever brought into existence. As a counsellor by trade, I understand that having people use one partially effective, or even a non effective system of behaviour for a period of time before introducing another very effective behaviour actually makes a lot of sense. It rings true with how “professionals” deal with or handle people.

“You're just repeating things you've heard other people say,”

Does that make what they’ve said wrong? Because you’ve come to me as Anonymous I’m going to assume that you’re atheist. Sorry if I’m wrong. Regardless, you know yourself that much of what you say is just repeated from those who know more about atheism than you do? Are your beliefs all original thoughts? Of course not.
I have not taken this decision to follow Jesus lightly. After I passed the stage in life where I discounted Christianity out of hand, I filled a whole note book with questions about religions in general and finally Christianity specifically that I wanted / needed answered. And then I set upon a course to learn as much as I could. I see in hindsight that it was this indescribable presence of (what I later came to see as) Jesus, this love from Jesus that got me started on this path. However my decision to turn from the direction that I was heading and go in the direction of Jesus was about ten years in the making. For what it’s worth, it all started one night at a party when the woman sitting on the couch next to me said, “Is life ever a bag of shit!” That happened at a time in my life when I had all the drugs and all the sex and all the money that any young man could want and yet, until that point, until her comment, I’d never questioned the road that I was on. I wish I could thank her.

“Tell me what would you do, had never heard of jesus? Would you go jump off the nearest cliff? Would you go and create havoc and chaos around the world?”

Well, in my pre Christian days I did create a fair bit of chaos and havoc. I came very, very close to killing a man. I’ve jumped out of aeroplanes but never off a cliff. Like I just said, I was living a comfortable life. I had pretty much everything this world has to offer. I didn’t become a Christian until I was thirty years old so, you know, I had a family and a career and all that stuff. Like you and most of the other people in the world I was living just fine without Jesus. There’s no doubt that it can be done. The only thing that was missing in my life was the most important thing. There was this “something other” going on in the background that couldn’t be denied. Once I found out what it is (Jesus)there was no way that I was going to settle for a third rate life when I can have the best life possible.

“How did you hear about the bible and jesus...answer through other 'people' that they too were indoctrinated by their parents or relatives.”

I wonder if you aren’t making an error, again, in believing that each person has to reinvent the wheel for what they believe to be true. Christianity came out of a culture, came from a people that had NEVER heard of Jesus (the greatest growth in Christianity today is in traditionally non Christian areas of the world) and in fact wanted most desperately to reject Him as Lord and Saviour. Of course we hear about this or that belief system from other people and each of us has to then make a decision as to whether what we’re hearing makes sense. IF you are an atheist and if you marry and atheist, are you’re children going to have to choose something other than atheism for their beliefs to be laudable, acceptable, genuine? You think you’ll raise them without any prejudice but that’s a crock. You will raise them with the belief that all religion is a farce. The mere fact that you won’t teach them that Christianity is true is teaching them that it’s false or of no worth whatsoever. Are they allowed to agree with you or do they have to go down another path for their beliefs to be valid?

“The bible is nothing more than a book of stories and beliefs that were handed down through many generations of beliefs and superstitions put together by people, not from some ignorant god that wants people to worship him.....duh”

Don’t you think it’s pretty arrogant to believe that you are more intelligent than people who lived several thousand years ago? Of course they didn’t have the technical knowledge that we have now, but a lack of information is not a lack of intelligence.
Mary knew that it was not possible for her to get pregnant when she hadn’t had sex with anyone.
People knew that diseases don’t disappear on command.
People knew that paraplegics don’t get up and walk because someone tells them to.
People certainly knew that dead people don’t rise from the dead.
Jesus was accused of performing magic BECAUSE people knew these things were not humanly possible.
Yet there are, I think, very good reasons for believing things like the resurrection did happen and the only explanation is that Jesus was exactly who He said He is.

“What kind of god wants worship....answer, a man made god wants and expects worship, not a real god of any kind would want, expect, desire any kind of worship only a man made weak god would want worship.”

Seen from our corrupt and perverted mind-set, a demand for worship is nauseating, disgusting.

Seen from our Creator’s perspective, it only makes sense that we would look to Him for what we need. Seen from the perspective of those of us in a forgiven and healed relationship with our Creator, we’ve found that “Man fully alive” only happens in a worshipful relationship with our Creator.

We were originally created in the image of God, possessing portions and degrees of His attributes and His characteristics. We lived in a state of perpetual worship, glorifying God and set to enjoy Him forever. That image was marred when sin entered the world. Each and every step that we as individuals take back toward that image makes us one step more fully alive, not in theory but in reality. Worshipping my Creator is not an onerous task; it’s a gift, an honour, a privilege.

If you are a parent, you know that you aren’t weak because you want your children to come to you for nurturing and growth.

You have what your children need.

God has what we need. It would be wrong and evil for Him to withhold that information from us.

I guess our perspectives are vastly different but I don’t see Jesus as weak at all!
Because your Creator and mine loves us, because only He has the resources that we need, He says, “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with Me and work with Me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." Matthew 11:28-30.

As far as “man-made” goes, if you think about all the religions of the world, there is one HUGE area that sets Christianity apart from what I agree ARE man made religions. That thing is grace.

Every religion BUT Christianity is based upon a person “working” h/her way to god, looking for ways to appease or to find acceptance of their deity.

Christianity is a religion that reveals God coming to us because there is nothing that we can do to repair the damage that we caused.

Only His love,
Only His grace,
Only His mercy,
Only His forgiveness.

On Christianity, nothing but what Creator God has done for us and nothing of what we have done, or can do for Him provides for our salvation.

The concept of salvation by grace goes completely against what our pride and our arrogance wants to believe. Our brain simply does not work that way. There is not a human on earth that would or even could invent that kind of God or religion.


  1. In response to your reply:

    I followed you from John Lofus' blog and I intentionally remain anonymous for various reasons, mostly for my own personal safety, and yes I am very proud to call myself an atheist.

    The reason I asked, "what would you do if you had never heard of a god or jesus?

    Is because, you would have never heard of a god or jesus if it were not through indoctrination from other human beings.

    We are all born without any knowledge of any god or demigods, therefore all gods and beliefs are passed down from the geographical location in which we were born.

    Had you been born in Borneo 50 years ago, you would most likely take part in cannibalism and see nothing wrong with eating human flesh.

    Had you been born in Iraq, most likely you would be a fanatical Muslim.

    Had you been born in Mexico, most likely you would be a fanatical catholic.

    Had you been born in America, most likely you would be a fanatical christian, this is where you are, I assume, and you are an fanatical christian.

    you @

    "Christianity is a religion that reveals God coming to us because there is nothing that we can do to repair the damage that we caused."

    We,(man and woman) never caused any damage ever!

    According to your bible, your god knew long before he created a man and a woman that his Satan buddy was lurking on planet earth to disrupt things long before he decided to create a man and a woman, remember Satan and his angels supposedly disrupted heaven? Did you forget this?

    Therefore anything done to humans by his evil Satan buddy, would have already been known long before it happened, yet your bible god allowed it all to happen, you are saying that your bible god has no control over his Satan friends actions and it just happened without his knowing. It just doesn't fit, my friend!

  2. Continued for lack of space:

    You cannot hold people responsible for something that they never created themselves, such as a Satan figure, a planet called earth, a tree of knowledge of good and evil, a serpent figure, a place called hell, these things a human being has no control over, we merely exist along with all other animals, the only difference between us and all the other animals is, we have learned to communicate between us. We first learned to communicate to others by beating a drum.

    Only His love,
    Only His grace,
    Only His mercy,
    Only His forgiveness.

    On Christianity, nothing but what Creator God has done for us and nothing of what we have done, or can do for Him provides for our salvation.

    The concept of salvation by grace goes completely against what our pride and our arrogance wants to believe. Our brain simply does not work that way. There is not a human on earth that would or even could invent that kind of God or religion.

    Again, I think you're allowing yourself to be purposefully self-delusional. There are books and stories that even today capture the imagination some of the most of the most intelligent minds.

    The Wizard of Oz, very brilliant story.

    Harry Potter, very brilliant story.

    Star Wars, TV movies, etc. just to name a few.

    Creative minds, they may not offer salvation, but why would we need salvation from something that we never allowed to happen in the first place, you're saying that salvation was lost through the negligence of man, instead of your bible god.

    Your bible god is the one supposedly in control here, but yet he allowed his Satan friend to disrupt heaven.

    Is your bible god not in complete control here?

    People with creative minds have also used drugs to enhance their dreams, imaginations, and visions, which what the bible is written and based upon, visions, dreams, and apparitions.

    Can't you just imagine the drugs that were allowed to be openly used in the middle east, 2000 years ago, when in 2010 the poppy is still the number one drug exported from Afghanistan? There were no strict laws against strong drug use in the middle east, 2000 years ago.

    Christains say things like prayer works, but your god does not heal amputees? Why not??? You have no answer to this do you?

    Your bible god never stepped in to help not even one of his favorite people, (over six million Jews) surely one of the six million would have prayed for Hitler to be killed before six million of his people were killed?

    All he would have had to done is caused Hitler to have a heart attack, or a tree limb to fall on his head, or a stray bullet enter his heart, and no one would have known the bible god had intervened, yet your bible god set idly by and did just what he always does...absolutely nothing!

    The invisible and the non-existent, look exactly the same.

    There is a true saying, "Two hands working will get more things done than 1000 hands clasped in prayer."

  3. Continued for lack of space:

    You cannot hold people responsible for something that they never created themselves, such as a Satan figure, a planet called earth, a tree of knowledge of good and evil, a serpent figure, a place called hell, these things a human being has no control over, we merely exist along with all other animals, the only difference between us and all the other animals is, we have learned to communicate between us. We first learned to communicate to others by beating a drum.

    Only His love,
    Only His grace,
    Only His mercy,
    Only His forgiveness.

    On Christianity, nothing but what Creator God has done for us and nothing of what we have done, or can do for Him provides for our salvation.

    The concept of salvation by grace goes completely against what our pride and our arrogance wants to believe. Our brain simply does not work that way. There is not a human on earth that would or even could invent that kind of God or religion.

    Again, I think you're allowing yourself to be purposefully self-delusional. There are books and stories that even today capture the imagination some of the most of the most intelligent minds.

    The Wizard of Oz, very brilliant story.

    Harry Potter, very brilliant story.

    Star Wars, TV movies, etc. just to name a few.

    Creative minds, they may not offer salvation, but why would we need salvation from something that we never allowed to happen in the first place, you're saying that salvation was lost through the negligence of man, instead of your bible god.

    Your bible god is the one supposedly in control here, but yet he allowed his Satan friend to disrupt heaven.

    Is your bible god not in complete control here?

    People with creative minds have also used drugs to enhance their dreams, imaginations, and visions, which what the bible is written and based upon, visions, dreams, and apparitions.

    Can't you just imagine the drugs that were allowed to be openly used in the middle east, 2000 years ago, when in 2010 the poppy is still the number one drug exported from Afghanistan? There were no strict laws against strong drug use in the middle east, 2000 years ago.

    Christains say things like prayer works, but your god does not heal amputees? Why not??? You have no answer to this do you?

    Your bible god never stepped in to help not even one of his favorite people, (over six million Jews) surely one of the six million would have prayed for Hitler to be killed before six million of his people were killed?

    All he would have had to done is caused Hitler to have a heart attack, or a tree limb to fall on his head, or a stray bullet enter his heart, and no one would have known the bible god had intervened, yet your bible god set idly by and did just what he always does...absolutely nothing!

    The invisible and the non-existent, look exactly the same.

    There is a true saying, "Two hands working will get more things done than 1000 hands clasped in prayer."

  4. The last post said it didn't go through, but it did...duh blogger!

  5. Well, here’s the thing John (I need a name shorter than Anonymous). If you don't like John let me know what you'd prefer.

    I’ve been doing this with atheists for almost four years now. I started at blog

    I’ll read all of this later in the day but if the pattern follows what will happen is: I’ll reply - You’ll counter - I’ll give an explanation to which you’ll reply. Each of us may gain some insight that we'll use to firm up our own position but neither will move one millimetre.

    The only people that will find it mildly satisfying are those on the fence who might move a notch in one direction or the other.

    I’m tempted to just say, “Screw it. It’s not worth it,” but you have put a lot of effort into this so . . .

    I’m busy until late this afternoon but I’m interested in what you mean by, “I’m proud to be an atheist.”

  6. Sorry, it was makarios DASH makarios not DOT

  7. Thesauros:
    "First, we ALL choose a paradigm that helps us explain what we see around us. It might be atheism..."


    Atheism is the rejection of the belief in a god, it does not explain anything.

    For you, it is a rebellion against Creator God. You are simply not able to grasp the idea that people do not believe such supernatural deity exists, at all.

    After 4 years, you have learned nothing, so it's not surprising that you say you won't ever move. You just don't care about improving your grasp on reality. You choose the comforting road paved by a "relationship with Jesus".

    That's why you'll always remain an internet clown; someone who writes a blog that people come to in order to have a good laugh at the pathetic attempt to justify his personal life's choices and values through a fictional supernatural being that happen to think just like you...

    - Another Anon

  8. "Atheism is the rejection of the belief in a god, it does not explain anything."

    Not only "it does not explain anything," it CANNOT explain anything. The atheist world-view is illogical, absurd and incoherent.

  9. "Atheism is the rejection of the belief in a god, it does not explain anything."

    Not only "it does not explain anything,"

    Thesauros #1:
    it CANNOT explain anything. The atheist world-view is illogical, absurd and incoherent.

    Thesauros #2:
    we ALL choose a paradigm that helps us explain what we see around us. It might be atheism...

    Atheism cannot explain anything, yet people choose it to explain stuff... You are so fucking stupid... and funny!

    Good job Internet clown!

    Now perhaps you can tell us what is your God useful for? oh right, nothing, it's just a gap filler for the things you cannot explain; a comforting blanket for grown-ups.

    - Another Anon

  10. No no, even better, perhaps you can explain how we can know your Creator God exists?

    Oh right... another thing you cannot do. You have no EVIDENCE; just faith.

    Good job internet clown!

    - Another Anon

  11. I can see why you're proud to be an atheist.

  12. I can see why you're proud to be a Christian; you like to feel persecuted and laughed at. You like being a clown, that makes you feel even better, makes you feel as if you were right... so pathetic and retarded.

    - Another Anon
    (who did know say he was proud to be an atheist since that means nothing to him)

  13. It’s really something how, knowing that this is how you would treat Him on this date in 2010, Jesus still died for YOU, so that you would have the opportunity to experience forgiveness and salvation. I hope you don’t miss that opportunity.

  14. I repent! I repent! Please Jesus, forgive my sins! only You can do that!

    but most importantly, please give Thesauros the clown a functional brain; he needs to realize you're just an imaginary character, a symbol, nothing more
